At least four arrested, one for shooting photos UPDATE: at least eighty arrested, five maced | RETRACTION: no tear gas used

At least four arrested, one for shooting photos UPDATE: at least eighty arrested, five maced | RETRACTION: no tear gas used


Posted 24 Sedptember 2011, by , Occupy Wall Street,


We have at least four arrests today during a community march, a fifth arrest is suspected but police will not confirm.

A legal observer attempting to contact an arrested member was not allowed to due to “an emergency situation,” we are currently unsure of what this means. At least one arrest was due to a protester taking photographs. At least one protester’s possessions have not been returned.

Please call the first precinct, central booking and the Deputy Commissioner of Public Information and urge them to release these peaceful protesters.

First precinct: +1 (212) 334-0611
Central booking: +1 (212) 374-3921
Deputy Commissioner of Public Information: +1 (646) 610-6700
NYPD Switchboard: 1-646-610-5000

UPDATE: We are now receiving reports that at least 80 protesters have been arrested. The National Lawyer’s Guild puts the number at around one hundred. Liberty square is currently full with an ongoing discussion on how to respond to this unprecedented level of police aggression. Police are currently surrounding the square. There is nearly one police officer for every two protesters.

Earlier today we had reports of police kettling protesters with large orange net, using tasers, at least five protesters have been maced.



UPDATE: @pulseofprotest was posting live from a police van. It appears as though he has stopped.

UPDATE: Some pictures



RETRACTION: Reports of tear gas being fired into the crowd turned out to be false.


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  1. […] At least four arrested, one for shooting photos UPDATE: at least eighty arrested, five maced | RETRA… ( […]


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